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Internationaler Club für Rassehunde und Katzenzucht e.V.

Gib dem Menschen einen Hund und seine Seele wird gesund.

"Hildegard von Bingen"

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Origin and History

The French Bulldog is derived from the old English bulldog type that was used among other things for bull baiting and dogfighting. After dog fighting was prohibited, also the breeding goal changed. Instead of rowdy dogs smaller, more peaceful dogs now were in demand. When breeding as the Toy Bulldog who found supporters abroad, particularly in Belgium and France. [1] was born in France hunters took advantage of this type as a hunting dog by crossbreeding it with terriers. These were performed as a pack of dogs, weighing about 20 pounds, and were mainly brindle. [2]

In East London and Nottingham, the weavers and lace-breeding of small Bulldogs participated in the 1836 were first presented at a dog show. Are incurred large peak factories in Normandy shortly before the turn of the century, immigrant English Lacemaker, especially from Nottingham, to France and settled in the area of Calais. They brought the Bulldogs with small, weighing around 10 kg and put their uncontrolled breeding in the new home away - partly as a hobby, and partly to supplement their income. Which breeds contributed to today's appearance, can hardly comprehend. Hauk well as E.Trekle (The French Bulldog 1937) mentioned introgression of terriers and pugs. The short tail twisted and bulging eyes probably originate from the pug. It is clear that prick ears were first bred in France to racial trait.

Around 1900 the dog came back to England, but came there first because of the erect ears to the ridicule of the population. These dogs were judged in need of a separate standards on exhibitions such as the English Bulldog. [3]

The first club for breeding this time still "terrier boule" said the dog was founded in 1880, opened in 1885, first registration and set 1888, the first standard. The ear shape was not quite uniform. The father of the current type is considered the male "Loupi". He was about 15 years old and appears in nearly all pedigrees. For a long time the breed a race of the underclass. This only changed when the English King Edward VII bought a white dog with "Fledermaußohren" kinked and some crooked forelegs. [4]

1888 was the French bulldog their way to the US and became quickly popular. 1896 first club was founded in New York. Just dogs with bat ears were traded very high in the first time - after the turn of the century up to 5000 US dollars were paid for such specimens. Soon afterwards, however, the boom leveled off again. [5]

Today's standard dates from 1931-32. In 1948 and 1986, he has been revised. In 1987, the recognition by the FCI. In 1994, the standard by the committee of the Club Bouledogue Français was readjusted with the collaboration of R. Triquet. [6]

The French Bulldog is muscular, agile and wiry. Bat ears, a short tail, short muzzle and a broad, triangular head representing the up to 14-pound dog that is rather sensitive to extreme temperatures due to the short fur.

The massive head has a flat skull between the ears, bulging forehead and well-defined stop. The frontal furrow extends to eye level. The scalp is loose, soft, and has symmetrical wrinkles. The muzzle is short and well laid back with a very short nose, strong jaw muscles developed and black, thick lips, where the upper lip, the lower arguably the side covers, but may not extend beyond the lower jaw. The teeth and the tongue are never visible. The lower jaw is wide and strong and stands above the upper jaw out, so that the dog is a Vorbeißer (brachycephaly). The wide-open nostrils are marked separately. Note the large distance between the eyes and the base of the ears, which are like the bridge of the nose in the same amount. The bat ears are long, wide bottom, rounded at the tip. The auricle is quite visible from the front.

The short, strong neck has loose skin - but no dewlap - and goes well arched in the short pear-shaped, provided with roach back hull above. The back is short, broad at the shoulders, sloping slightly behind, pulled back down to the loins and tapering. The strong, muscular legs are characterized in that the hindquarters are slightly longer than the front legs.

The tail is set low, thick at the neck with a rapid taper, short and straight. Family heaped or sporadically occurring kink or corkscrew tail are permissible, but not desirable.

The hair is fine, short and glossy. According to the FCI standard, the hair colors fawn (fawn), brindle (a mixture of black, blond, medium to dark brown and not too dark reddish hair) recognized and spotted. White Dog Color "brindled fawn with predominant white patching 'grades. Small, white with brindle markings are allowed copies.

C2023 by Bullys von Sommer

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